Hi there folks! I am the Retro_Mummy. Here is my sepulcher! Here within this demesne, I will post stuff to inform you about goings on. I will post reviews about products to help inform you regarding various RPG products. I will also occasionally review classic, now "retro" media. Look for the "nonostalgia" tag for things I did not encounter when they were new, when I was the target audience, or when I was a small, impressionable child.
Stay a while once I post more things, I will also put up modules I have written for various systems and tag them appropriately for your ease. The games I take part in are: Dungeon Crawl Classics, D&D 5e, Lamentations of the Flame Princess (lotfp) and Pathfinder. If you are interested in me converting one of my written adventures to a different system than listed, please feel free to let me know in the comments!
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